Print size: 22 1/8" x 17"
This is a cutaway of the historic fire boat Duwamish, which is now at the historic ships dock on south Lake Union in Seattle.
It is shown here with the engines it has had since after the second world war, but the scene is that of the 1914 Grand Trunk Pacific Dock fire, the largest fire in Seattle since the great fire of 1889.
The boat is built around two massive pumps and the pipes that feed the eight water cannons on the deck, of which five can be seen here for the sake of simplicity and perspective. In the background are the Smith Tower, which was completed the same year that the fire took place, and the historic Fire Station No. 5, home of Fire Boat Company No. 4, which was fortunately located immediately next door to the Grand Trunk dock.
This vessel is open to vistors by appointment, and more information is available at www.fireboatduwamish.com/ and at https://www.facebook.com/FireboatDuwamish/
Tom Crestodina, an Alaskan fisherman, began making cutaway drawings in 2011 to connect with his young son, Franio, while he was out at sea.