TUG #2
Print size: 16 1/4" x 13 1/2"
This is a tugboat drawn based on a real boat out of Ketchikan, AK, the Norma. The direct-reversible Fairbanks Morse engine on the actual boat, which must be stopped completely and restarted to run in reverse, is not actually slanted downward. Of course, I took lots of other liberties in order to show off as much of the interior of a boat of this type as I could.
The drawing shows the galley, wheelhouse, captain's stateroom, crew quarters, fuel tanks, and, naturally, the engine room. The deck winch is featured prominently, and the observant may note the hook that tug use to catch their barges' towing bridles should the tow cable break.
Tom Crestodina, an Alaskan fisherman, began making cutaway drawings in 2011 to connect with his young son, Franio, while he was out at sea.